April Events at Yellow Bird Studio

Spring is one of our favorite seasons here at Yellow Bird Studio because all the fresh bright colors we are seeing everywhere inspire us to do some amazing arts and crafts! Check out what we have lined up for April and we hope you can make it out to one of our events or classes before we wrap-up and close for a couple of weeks in mid May to get ready for summer!
Open Studio Mondays
Come by the studio any time between 1:30-5:00 on April 1, 15, 22 or 29 to visit our arts and crafts stations throughout the studio. (No Open Studio April 8 which is our School's Out Camp day). Projects range from simple paintings to more complex fiber arts and collage work. We always have something fun for kids ages 3-12. This month we will be inspired by birds, plants, elves and recycling!
Yellow Bird Studio Weekend Classes
Here is a list of what is happening in April on the weekends at YBS. For more information about rates, etc., please visit the Registration and Payment page.
*On Saturday, April 6 we will have a special bird house design Saturday Crafternoon event for children ages 8-14 from 1:30-3:30. Crafters will use a wide variety of paints and materials to embelish their one-of-a-kind homes for feathered friends. Bring a friend and you pay the "Friend Rate" of $25 each. Minimum 5 crafters must enroll.
*On Sunday, April 14 we will offer our fun Paint and Puddles class for children age 4-7 from 1:00-3:00. Different art explorations will be set up and a special arts/crafts project will be the highlight of the day.
*Friday Art Nites are a great way to leave the dinner and entertainment to us while you grab an early dinner or movie, or just decompress from a long week. Our Friday Art Nites will be on April 12 and 26 from 6:00-8:30. We will serve pizza and a drink and do some fun arts and crafts together while we get to stay up late! Ages PreK 4 through age 11.

School's Out Days in April
We have two School's Out Camp days in April: Monday, April 8 and Friday, April 19. Camp is from 10:00-2:00. If you are interested in enrolling, visit the Registration and Payment page. Spots are limited!
Summer Camp Update
Our Art Summer Camps are almost full! Our Summer Camp page lists what weeks have availability as of 4/1. Please visit our Summer Camp page to see how many spots are available for either AM or PM sessions. We are creating a waitlist, so if you have your heart set on a particular week, please let us know via email which week and which session, plus your child's name, age and contact information for you.
Please note that all summer tuition is due by April 30 to hold your spot, so if you already registered and elected to "pay in person", you must come by the studio to pay with credit card or check, or use Venmo. If payment is not received by April 30, we will go to the waitlist and fill your spot.

Book Your Summer Birthday Now!
During the summer months of June, July and most of August, we will only be able to schedule one Saturday party per weekend. If you are thinking about booking your child's party at the studio this summer, please contact us to schedule your consultation before your desired date is gone!
Also, please know we are changing our party packages as of June 1, so if you are interested in a more custom art party, book before June 1 and you will receive the current rate which applies to all studio parties.